I tried to translate it to greek language (Greek-Lish)
I hope you'll add it
Greek Language: greek_lish_blub_01.zip
I tried to translate it to greek language (Greek-Lish)
I hope you'll add it
Greek Language: greek_lish_blub_01.zip
hi thx for the work!
It seems that u havent translated everthing eg 77 - 122
Is there a problem with those phrases?
No no
We use english in greek language too There is no translation for them so we use english phrases
kk, but is there really no translation for:
Quote<phrase id="47">Left: %s</phrase>
<phrase id="48">Right: %s</phrase>
<phrase id="49">Jump: %s</phrase>
QuoteDisplay More<phrase id="77">Start Game</phrase>
<phrase id="78">Very Fast (1.5x)</phrase>
<phrase id="79">Fast (1.25x)</phrase>
<phrase id="80">Faster (1.1x)</phrase>
<phrase id="81">Normal (1x)</phrase>
<phrase id="82">Slow (0.75x)</phrase>
<phrase id="83">Very Slow (0.5x)</phrase>
<phrase id="84">Ballposition</phrase>
<phrase id="85">Team A</phrase>
<phrase id="86">Team B</phrase>
<phrase id="87">Middle</phrase>
<phrase id="88">Little (1on1)</phrase>
<phrase id="89">Normal (2on2)</phrase>
<phrase id="90">Big (3on3)</phrase>
<phrase id="91">Bigger (4on4)</phrase>
<phrase id="92">Biggest (5on5)</phrase>
<phrase id="103">Player %s left the game</phrase>
<phrase id="104">Player %s disconnected</phrase>
<phrase id="105">Player %s timed out</phrase>
Yes,as i said we use them in eglish
it's really hard to believe, that there is no translation for Left, Right, Jump or Slow
Is that wrong?
Yeah,because it's game we use english...Don't worry Maybe soon i'll update it if needs. :pinch:
would be very nice! Thank u!
<phrase id="47">Αριστερά: %s</phrase>
<phrase id="48">Δεξιά: %s</phrase>
<phrase id="49">Πήδημα: %s</phrase>
<phrase id="77">Έναρξη</phrase>
<phrase id="78">Πολύ γρήγορα (1.5x)</phrase>
<phrase id="79">Γρήγορα (1.25x)</phrase>
<phrase id="80">Πιο γρήγορα (1.1x)</phrase>
<phrase id="81">Κανονικά (1x)</phrase>
<phrase id="82">Αργά (0.75x)</phrase>
<phrase id="83">Πολύ αργά (0.5x)</phrase>
<phrase id="84">Θέση μπάλας</phrase>
<phrase id="85">Ομάδα A</phrase>
<phrase id="86">Ομάδα B</phrase>
<phrase id="87">Μέση</phrase>
<phrase id="88">Μικρό (1on1)</phrase>
<phrase id="89">Κανονικό (2on2)</phrase>
<phrase id="90">Μεγάλο (3on3)</phrase>
<phrase id="91">Μεγαλύτερο (4on4)</phrase>
<phrase id="92">Τεράστιο (5on5)</phrase>
<phrase id="103">Ο παίχτης %s εγκατέλειψε τον αγώνα</phrase>
<phrase id="104">Ο παίχτης %s αποσυνδέθηκε</phrase>
<phrase id="105">Ο παίχτης %s ειχε πρόβλημα με την σύδεσή του</phrase>
Love it will publish a greek version.
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